DOW's so explosive. The old trick in excessive gap up is in play all over again.
This is the strongest +ve trend reversal sign ever.
BUY on weakness/dips in the coming 1 week, targeting the next up trend wave.
Usually there is a dip after this explosion. Wait there to enter at lower prices.
Will KLSE stocks do the same catch up ?
BUY on weakness/dips in the coming 1 week, targeting the next up trend wave.
Usually there is a dip after this explosion. Wait there to enter at lower prices.
Will KLSE stocks do the same catch up ?
Msian mkt is so slow.
It is all about luck 1st. on stock selection. 2nd is good timing to enter n exit with right chart knowledge of cycle.
n it has to be perfect score on 2 fronts to make money.
Like today, the fun_ manager is doing jobbing on PRESBHD.
Lucky to grab 40k at 196 this am. when they throwed their ahkong's stock at low prices to themselves.
It is all about luck 1st. on stock selection. 2nd is good timing to enter n exit with right chart knowledge of cycle.
n it has to be perfect score on 2 fronts to make money.
Like today, the fun_ manager is doing jobbing on PRESBHD.
Lucky to grab 40k at 196 this am. when they throwed their ahkong's stock at low prices to themselves.